M Chanaan – Business Consulting and real estate
Tridesetogodišnje poslovno iskustvo i cijeli niz uspješnih projekata pozicionirali su M. Chanaan kao vodeći konzaltinški tim na području Istre i Poreštine.Vrhunski domaći i inozemni stručnjaci snaga su i prednost M. Chanaana. Investiranje u Hrvatsku i regiju, uz stručnu podršku i zadovoljstvo klijenata – naša su misija.
County: Istarska
Location/Municipality : Vabriga/Tar-Vabriga
Type: build
Area Surface: 7813m2
Energy performance certification: Currently ongoing
Code: 108-1
In the mixed use zone marked "M-tc", the construction of a shopping centre is allowed among other purposes of paragraph 1. The constructions of structures for other use and activities in the M-tc zone, it is conditioned by the construction of a shopping centre and can not be achieved before the location terms for a shopping mall in the same zone are defined. In accordance with these provisions, as shopping centre shall be considered any building for commercial use, and for mainly commercial and service activities, of more significant dimensions − with a minimum ground plan built-up area of 2500 m2.