M Chanaan – Business Consulting and real estate
Tridesetogodišnje poslovno iskustvo i cijeli niz uspješnih projekata pozicionirali su M. Chanaan kao vodeći konzaltinški tim na području Istre i Poreštine.Vrhunski domaći i inozemni stručnjaci snaga su i prednost M. Chanaana. Investiranje u Hrvatsku i regiju, uz stručnu podršku i zadovoljstvo klijenata – naša su misija.
County: Grad Zagreb
Location/Municipality : Sesvete/Zagreb
Type: Country estate (stanzia)
Area Surface: 12400m2
Code: 308-1
The subject of the sale is a former cement factory on the edge of Zagreb, in the industrial zone of city district Podsused - Vrapče. The project area extends to approximately 12,400 m2, in the immediate vicinity of the Bologna Alley . Due to its location, existing buildings and construction possibilities defined by spatial plan of the City of Zagreb, the project provides an opportunity for the protection and adaptive reuse of the old cement factory, as a significant industrial heritage and trademark of the western part of the city, in the attractive multifunctional urban area with various facilities.