M Chanaan – Business Consulting and real estate
Tridesetogodišnje poslovno iskustvo i cijeli niz uspješnih projekata pozicionirali su M. Chanaan kao vodeći konzaltinški tim na području Istre i Poreštine.Vrhunski domaći i inozemni stručnjaci snaga su i prednost M. Chanaana. Investiranje u Hrvatsku i regiju, uz stručnu podršku i zadovoljstvo klijenata – naša su misija.
The Bible once described Canaan as the Promised Land. And in the same way today we can help both local and foreign investors to reap all of the benefits available from our safe investments and projects within this new golden land of promises and opportunities.
We are qualified, professional, good organized, and we have a lot of local experiences in demanding projects leadership and management providing the consulting possibilities to our clients as an additional value in order to help you bring your investments to fruition and make Croatia the most desirable destination.