Construction area of the Stanzia Špin settlement Project

The “Construction area of the Stanzia Špin settlement” project is located in an excellent position north of the village of Tar, near the sea (Tar bay) and the river of Mirna, at a distance of 5 km from Novigrad and 9 km from Poreč. The project is located on a secluded spot, partly within the undeveloped part of the Stanzia Špin settlement construction zone, and partly within the boundaries of the R1 zone of the future Stanzia Špin golf course.

For the Stanzia Špin construction area, as well as for the golf course area, an elaboration of an Urban Development Plan specifying the detailed construction guidelines is mandatory. Given that the project area is located in the contact area of the envisaged Stanzia Špin golf course, which makes a very attractive facility, a certain part of the area unconstructed today − in addition to its residential and business purpose − is expected to be designated for the catering-tourism facilities.

Price: Upon request

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